Additional academic resources
Looking for additional resources? Here are a few of our favorites.
Helpful practices and handouts
Below are some of our favorite tools. Print as many as you like!
If you would like us to guide you through these handouts, please schedule an academic coaching appointment.
Weekly schedule
Our weekly schedule doesn’t list every hour in the day. Instead, each box is worth one hour, starting at 8am and ending at 10pm. Actually scheduling your study time is a huge help, check out our rules for creating a successful schedule at the bottom of the handout.
Exam review
Are you trying to figure out what to study or how you are going to fit it all in? This handy organizer is designed to help you bring order to your study plan. Choose what you are going to study, a due date and then choose the strategies you want to use! Don’t forget to check things off as you finish.
You achieve more when you set goals for yourself. This handout will help you break down your goals into manageable steps AND help you make a goal that is just for you! Use the checklist at the bottom to support your new goals.
The Campus Learning Center assists students in forming study groups. If you have questions or are interested in starting a study group, call us at (804) 827-8108.
Foreign language conversation groups
The Campus Learning Center hosts weekly conversation groups in foreign languages. Our offerings change each semester and often include a variety of languages. Past offerings for these groups include Spanish, French, Russian, Italian and Arabic. Participants must be current VCU students.
The conversation groups are open to all skill levels. Students do not need to be enrolled in a foreign language course to attend.
For more information, contact the Campus Learning Center at (804) 827-8108.
Please consult the schedule for session locations and times.
Study group guidelines
Every member of the group has something to contribute and can be an expert in a certain area. Listen to each other carefully to make the most of every meeting.
Items to bring
- Textbooks
- Class notes
- Reading notes
- Syllabus
- Questions about course material
- Calendar or planner
At the first meeting
- Select a group leader who will facilitate each session and be responsible for reminding other members about meeting dates.
- Plan a schedule of meetings and topics for the semester.
- Exchange phone numbers and emails with other group members.
- Set a time and location for your next group meeting.
During regular meetings
- Go through the questions at the end of each chapter in the textbook.
- Compare notes to make sure everyone has a complete set.
- Have everyone bring questions to ask the group.
- Discuss and share highlighted sections or margin notes from the most recent chapter.
- Create sample test questions to ask members of the group.
- Make a study guide to review for a test.
- Discuss your most recent class to make sure everyone has a clear understanding of the material.
Khan Academy: We know the Campus Learning Center isn’t always open, so if you are looking for help outside of the CLC and other campus tutoring options, Khan Academy is a free, high quality resource you can use for guidance and practice.
The Well (Student Wellness): Sometimes academics can be a lot. Our friends at The Well are available to support you We particularly like their mindfulness program (and there are so many more great programs too).