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Available Jobs
The Campus Learning Center offers multiple opportunities for on-campus working learners to provide academic support. Peer Tutors, Supplemental Instruction Leaders, and Academic Coaches all play an important role in the CLC team. Students interested in applying, should submit the VCU Campus Learning Center’s Peer Academic Support Application. Applicants will have the opportunity to select which positions they are interested in on the application.
Position Descriptions
Peer Academic Coaches
Peer Academic Coaches support the academic success of VCU students through individualized coaching engagements. PACs support students by facilitating study skills, time management, and other learning strategies; making personalized recommendations for engagement in campus activities, resources, and groups; mentoring students through their transition and growth as college students, and modeling responsibility and decision-making.
Supplemental Instruction Leaders
SI Leaders have previously completed the course and are trained to facilitate group learning and assist students in learning strategies and concepts that help them in their classes. SI Leaders attend the current class, take notes, talk with the professor and read the text. They then conduct three SI sessions each week, which are open to all students in the class.
Our tutors are all current students who have successfully completed all the courses they tutor. Additionally, tutors participate in a comprehensive training program to learn how to strategically assist the students they work with. Tutoring services focus on helping students learn skills and strategies they can utilize in their individual study.
Minimum Requirements
- 3.2 cumulative GPA or higher (or two consecutive semesters at or above a 3.2 GPA for Peer Academic Coaching Candidates)
- Currently be enrolled in at least their second semester at VCU
- Enrolled in at least 6 undergraduate or 4.5 graduate credits at VCU
- Commitment to working a full semester
- Attendance at CLC student employee orientation
- Available to work a minimum of 11 hours per week
- Must be in good disciplinary standing
To apply for this position, please go to Handshake.